Trailer Aluminum Ramp Stands - Adjustable, 20" Wide
This pair of lower ramp stand supports are an essential component of any step deck trailer ramp system. Step deck trailer ramp systems are used for loading tractors, loaders, trucks, and heavy equipment onto step deck trailers, loading docks, or flatbed trailers.
These two aluminum lower ramp stands are designed to support pin-on end loading ramps and have a 23,500 pound weight capacity. Versatile and easy to set up, these stands adjust in height from 18" - 24" and weigh just 42 pounds each.
Rated at 10,000 lbs per axle; Never exceed the maximum axle capacity of this ramp system; Not recommended for trucks with mounted cranes, forklifts, steel track vehicles; 02 Pin End Ramps must be pinned into skid seat brackets before using ramps How Do I Determine Axle Capacity? The best way to determine your vehicles axle weight is to drive the heaviest axle of the vehicle on a scale. Normally the front end of the truck is the heaviest axle weight because of the engine.