Cab Rack Center Mini-vault w/2 Chain Racks, 2 Half Trays
TarpHaus stocks the highest quality Cab Racks for you to choose from. We Also Offer installation at our shop in Aslip, IL, please call for more information.
WARNING: CAB RACKS ARE NOT A SAFETY PRODUCT. Cab racks offer minimum resistance to an impacting load resulting from a moving payload shift or during a wreck. TarpHaus makes no claims to impact resistance, neither stated nor implied.
CAB RACKS ARE NOT TO BE USED AS PART OF FMCSA CFR 393.116 paragraph B2 log or pole trailers and prohibited by TarpHaus. As with all 393 requirements 393.116 refers to securing your load to the trailer. Log trailers should have a front header board that would meet the requirements of 393.116 and 393.114.